Well – for the next 3 years at least …
Here is a state-by-state list of irregularities
PST! There is more than just a few stories digging into the rumours of Election Fraud. Here is a huge list of Election Vote Irregularities courtesy of Shaula Evans She says:
I just fell into a goldmine. Here are more links for whoever wants them:
are you getting the picture yet…
And finally, from the “We told you so” files, A technical look at how they can steal it
Evidence mounts that the recent US Presidential Election was hacked (Thanks, Grant!)
All the time the Diebold machines were being moved into position for the eVote initiative – to "help" avoid the issues of the 2000 Presidential election, and these machines have no internal printer, there is no paper trail, no way to check if the vote you think you entered was actually recorded that way. Check the " eVoting Fraud" link in the links sidebar for more info.
Now another source arises with specifics on questionable number from the 2004 voting … see
Also see
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/ 2004/11/05/politics1149EST0515.DTL
Here are some charts that compare voter registrations with votes received in Florida.
There are ways to have accountability.
You can have voting machines that when you vote they printout a receipt card that is human and machine readable – you can read it visually to confirm it recorded what you voted, then you slip it
into a scanner device that reads it and does the tallying. The receipt cards never leave the poll, so they are there if a recount is needed.
Freaking unbelievable. All the folks that came out to vote, all the education about the corruption of Cheney and Bush’s crazy ways – and the totals show a Bush win? I don’t believe it.
John Perry Barlow has a great post, dealing with the realities of moving on through the aftermath a the election
http://www.internetvetsfortruth.org/ Site with all the major informational videos in Apple Quicktime format –
Our goal is to present you with these clips to help you make an informed choice next Tuesday.We hope you enjoy, and draw your own conclusions.
Please help spread the word. Tell a friend, a relative, a co-worker, or Ohio.
And to paraphrase Jon Stewart, please, please, please vote.
http://www.liegirls.com/quicktime.html These Girls pose a grave and gathering threat …
On another tangent of humour, check out Sweet Livin’
This is just too good to pass up.
News Update Oct 30, 2004 – from “The Fix” column at salon.com –
Weird Halloween factoid (insert your own “bloodsucking politician” joke here): George W. Bush and John Kerry are ninth cousins twice removed and can each trace their lineage back to Vlad II Dracul, the 15th century Transylvanian warlord who inspired Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” (Ancestry.com, via
Rush and Molloy) .
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 2004
See the Rolling Stone website
The good Doctor is in prime form in this column … such choice nuggets! Here’s a few paragraphs of his current writing …
The question this year is not whether President Bush is acting more and more like the head of a fascist government but if the American people want it that way. That is what this election is all about. We are down to nut-cutting time, and millions of people are angry. They want a Regime Change.
Some people say that George Bush should be run down and sacrificed to the Rat gods. But not me. No. I say it would be a lot easier to just vote the bastard out of office on November 2nd.
A recent article in the Nov 2004 Atlantic Monthly discusses Karl Rove‘s strategies and gives examples of last minute attacks he’s used to snatch vitory from his opponents.
If this year stays true to past form, the campaign will get nastier in the closing weeks, and without anyone’s quite registering it, Rove will be right back in his element. "
Protest slogans seen at Deluth News tribune website (among other places)
“Draft the Bush daughters.”
“Evict Bush from public housing.”
“Fellow Christians, We Are Called to “Love Our Enemies” – Jesus Wasn’t Kidding
“Halliburton thanks you for supporting the war.”
“How Many Hijackers Came From Iraq?”
“If We’re Spreading Democracy to Iraq, Let’s Start With Florida”
“Remember when presidents were smart and bombs were dumb?”
“Sacrifice SUVs, not children.”
“Stop mad cowboy disease.”
“The Pro-Life President Can’t Wait to Start Killing.”
“Vote Bush off the island.”
“W stands for Wrong.”
“War begins with Dubya.”
“War is not an energy policy.”