We wuz robbed!

Evidence mounts that the recent US Presidential Election was hacked (Thanks, Grant!)

All the time the Diebold machines were being moved into position for the eVote initiative – to "help" avoid the issues of the 2000 Presidential election, and these machines have no internal printer, there is no paper trail, no way to check if the vote you think you entered was actually recorded that way. Check the " eVoting Fraud" link in the links sidebar for more info.

Now another source arises with specifics on questionable number from the 2004 voting … see

Also see
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/ 2004/11/05/politics1149EST0515.DTL

Here are some charts
that compare voter registrations with votes received in Florida.

There are ways to have accountability.
You can have voting machines that when you vote they printout a receipt card that is human and machine readable – you can read it visually to confirm it recorded what you voted, then you slip it
into a scanner device that reads it and does the tallying. The receipt cards never leave the poll, so they are there if a recount is needed.