Diebold Financing Republicans …

There have been a huge number of news stories recently about the Diebold Voting Machine equipment. I read Salon reports on investigations by Beverly Harris alleging that Diebold voting systems use an unsecured Access database; which anyone can get to, change data, and erase logs. Diebold has been trying to censor her, as well as some other sites that were hosting some leaked Diebold memos. The materials were first obtained by Bev Harris, who is writing a book about modern-day ballot-tampering. According to published accounts, she found the materials on an unprotected Web site while doing a Google search. Links to those memos can be found here though Diebold is trying to censor the whole issue by issuing takedown requests to many of the site and claiming a violation of the DMCA !

I read another report today on the CommonDreams website that quotes an Aug. 14 letter from Walden O’Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc. He told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” Another site, Opensecrets, where you can look up campaign finances, shows that Diebold is pretty one-sided when it comes to funding candidates.

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