Bike Progress …

The bike project has been in a holding pattern for the last few weeks. I took the front end apart to replace the seals and bushings and found damage to one of the spring holders and a ding in the lower leg. So – I decided my best strategy was to get another frontend and rebuild that one, as needed. I decided if I could find the same year front end, I could pick and choose parts from 4 fork legs to make sure I had the best 2. So – I bid on a couple sets around Labour Day and got what I think is the best bet on a set from British Coumbia – its just taking a while to get here, what with the storm and all. While I was waiting I bought a pair of Dunlop K81 tires for the bike – the old K70s were dry rotted and cracking.
Then I had to stow away all the tools and loose parts for the expected hurricane
that fortunately never arrived as predicted.

photo of a forkless bike on blocks on the back porch