Imperial Humour …

One of the folks in a list I read had this to say:

“A group of very talented videographers got together with a project idea… to make a parody of the “COPS” television program in StarWars style with StarWars characters and StarWars special effects. The premise is that the Storm Troopers from StarWars are the “COPS”, in this case “TROOPS”.

There are several ‘incidents’ filmed. I find the Jawas (who scavenge for parts, build robots, etc) scene, where they are apprehended, particularly funny. The characters are kept true to form: the Storm Troopers do not hesitate to shoot, they are rather disconnected from any emotional connection with their opponents. Jawas are slippery little schemers. The husband and wife altercation is sort of odd in a StarWars way.

There is actually work related information in this. The videographers managed to get many authentic flying and hovering craft in primary and secondary background of the shots (primary background is interleaved with primary characters, secondary background is behind primary characters). The costumes are excellent and the scene placement is near perfect. We some of the same professional video production tools at the CTO and have he capability to apply these techniques to captured video (AUSA, Signal Symposium, etc) in a very professional “broadcast quality” way. ”