On Closings …

August 1st, 2003 – Three years ago, Emma and I sat down and signed papers, closing the deal to purchase out house in Fairfax, Virginia. We were first time homebuyers, and, frankly, very glad to start building equity with a house instead of ‘paying money to the man’ in Rent. Much has happened since then, and we refinanced once in Feb 2002.
In June we contacted the mortgage company to request a better loan.
They waffled a bit, but we reminded them that getting a percentage of something is always better than taking a larger percentage of nothing …
Now, with the fallen interest rates, we will be sitting down at 5PM today, closing another set of refinance papers. Property values have risen so we can drop off the PMI fees, and we’ll save more due to an even better interest rate.
What a great way to celebrate the third year anniversary of our house!
All praise and thanks to god for these blessings!