Marriage – spreading like wildfire!

Thanks again to Bill of Bill and Kent’s weblog for the link to this story …
S.F. defies law, marries gays – it seems 90 gay and lesbian couples wed Thursday in San Francisco.

Of course, the clueless lawmakers in our State of Virginia are trying to shut the gate to keep out any smoke …

From the Washington Post Feb 13
RICHMOND, Feb. 12 — The Virginia House of Delegates gave preliminary approval Thursday to legislation that would ban the recognition of same-sex civil unions and domestic partnerships, mirroring efforts by states across the nation to prevent gays from enjoying the same rights as married couples.

Virginia is one of 38 states that already ban the recognition of same-sex marriages. The bill would add to Virginia’s “Affirmation of Marriage Act” a ban against recognition of same-sex civil unions or partnership arrangements allowed in Vermont and California.

With all the other things the legislature could be working on, like the school system, employment, the economy, air pollution, you name it, going after Gay Marriage and civil unions is simply a distraction … much like a magician’ banter keeps you from seeing the extra card slipped into the deck at a critical point.

Could it be that after all the uproar over President Bush’s war on Saddam Hussein, the lack of WMD, and continued plumet of Bush credibility, that a wedge issue like Gay marriage is just another way of avoiding the real issues that face America?

Is Gay Marriage the Willie Horton of 2004?